The Freedom

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How it works

Auto Alignment
Auto Connect
Highway Controllability
Automated Steering Control System
All Terrain
Turning and Maneuverability
Auto disconnect
Freedom Hitch

Amazingly more effective braking and controllability.

  • – Increases Braking Power and Stability!
  • – Safer level pulling for trailer stability
  • – Increases maneuverability
  • – Automated attachment to your vehicle
  • – Level trailer yields better performance
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Robert Zwernemann
08. December, 2023

Since buying my new Freedom Hitch, I find myself driving down the road more comfortable and relaxed. The trip with my new Hitch System was the easiest and most stress free trip I have had in years...

Joseph Parra
08. December, 2023

While traveling at 65 plus miles per hour, a sizable object fell off the truck in front of us. Had it not been for the increased stability and controllability the Freedom hitch gives us, we would not have been able to swerve around tha...

Erin W.
08. December, 2023

Living in a hilly area with narrow roads, other people pulling trailers did not want to pick up my horses because the roads were so steep and winding. Even larger delivery trucks would refuse to come to our place. ...

Hitch System

Freedom Hitch